A look back:
Battleground Victory: Governor Tim Kane, members of our United For Obama group's rejoice as Obama wins Virginia and the White house on November 4th, 2008:
volunteers translated and subtitled Si, Se Puede Cambiar into German, and you can find that video here, Korean , Vietnamese , in French , in Chinese , a multilingual version in eight languages:
A few updates:
Interview I gave to KCAL News / CBS about the Palin-Biden debate

Link to the video:
A lengthy Spanish TV NEWS INTERVIEW I gave on Obama and the song can be found at:
More press related to our efforts:
From the Austin Chronicle
The San Francisco Chronicle
The Dallas Morning News
We want you: Election rocks to a new Latin beat
Here is a NEW link for a extensive newspaper interview I gave about Obama and my song (in Spanish), which came out today on print and at http://www.lapatria.com/Noticias/ver_noticia.aspx?CODNOT=52844&CODSEC=31
A related post-election radio interview that I gave in Spanish as well:

A related post-election radio interview that I gave in Spanish as well:
A related article I wrote in English will come out in a print magazine in December, more details later. For now I leave you with some pictures, links and videos from my experiences trying to get Barack elected.
Thanks to all of you who voted, volunteered or otherwise supported soon-to-be President Obama!
Cellphone picture of Barack Obama's first appearance after being
elected for President of the United States on November 4:
Thanks to all of you who voted, volunteered or otherwise supported soon-to-be President Obama!
Cellphone picture of Barack Obama's first appearance after being
elected for President of the United States on November 4:

Will.i.am put our video on his blog at www.dipdive.com/dip-approved/?p=15
Our subsequent Obama video is also up on his site: http://dipdive.com/member/Andres-Useche/tv/


Phonebanking right up to election day: Nov 4, 2008

For many more New Andres / Obama pictures here